Calendar Questions

Can I see my entire calendar, or just the proceedings I schedule on-line?
You can see all of your settings, regardless of how you scheduled them. As Legal Staff, once you are 
linked (or link yourself) to an attorney’s account, you can confirm, reschedule (modify), and cancel all scheduling requests.

What is different about this calendar?
As Legal Staff linked to multiple attorneys, you can create different views of the calendar using the drop-down filters. Filter by date, attorney, case and job status. This means, for example, you can create an attorney calendar by selecting the attorney from the attorney drop-down list on the calendar. Only that attorney's proceedings will appear on the calendar..

If you have many settings scheduled for a particular date, you can click on the "Plus x" line at the bottom of the day box and see all of the settings, including their time ranges. Mouse over a box to view some details, then left-click on the box to open the pop-up summary.

You can also see a pop-up summary of the scheduling request by left-clicking on the case caption on the calendar. From the pop-up summary, you can make changes, confirm, cancel, etc. You can now export your results to a spreadsheet from the Calendar.

Does EsquireConnect support team calendars?
Yes. Go to 
My Account: My Attorneys. Each Legal Staff member can select one or more of the same attorney(s) from your firm. Once linked, the Legal Staff can work on each of those shared attorneys’ calendar. The staff who scheduled receives the confirmation, and that person's name appears in the Audit Trail.

Can an administrator see all Esquire settings for the firm?
Yes. Contact us at, and we will set the administrator up with the role of Other Corporate Staff. That will give the administrator access to all settings, invoices and case documents for the firm location.